Legal Information / Terms of use

26th March 2020

Legal Information / Terms of use

26th March 2020


Please read carefully the following terms of use, which apply to all visitors of the website (the "Website") and which you agree to comply with.


INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) reserves the right to add to, modify or remove and more generally update at any time, all or part of these terms of use. INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) will inform each visitor of the Website (a «User») about the modifications made to the present terms of use.

If the User does not respect these terms of use and if INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) does not immediately react, this does not mean that AXA waives its rights to act subsequently.


The Website editor

166 Av. Louise
1050 Bruxelles
by its irish branch located at 0/11 Mary Street, Dublin 1, (company N° 906006) regulated by Central Bank of Ireland.

Number of V.A.T: 9676141T
Telephone: + 33 (0) 975 18 02 96


Publication Director

Xavier Blanchard – Head of  Specialised Insurance 


Web hosting

AXA Technology Services SAS
76, route de la Demi-lune
FR - 92057 Paris La Défense Cedex
Telephone: + 33 (0) 1 55 67 20 00

AXA Technology Services SAS is registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under the number 399.214.287



The Website is an information website published in English, French, Spanish, Deutch, Italian, Polish and  Czech intended both for INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) customers and non-customers.

The information contained on the Website is given strictly for informative purposes and does not entail any legal commitment or implicit or explicit contractual agreement on the part of INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA), which also reserves the right to modify its characteristics at any time.

Access to the Website is free of charge. However, the costs of access and use of the telecommunications network shall be borne by the User, according to the terms stipulated by his/her Internet access provider and his/her telecom operator.


The creation of hypertext links to the Website is subject to the explicit prior approval of INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE.


The Website can contain hypertext links to other sites. The existence of hypertext links between the Website and third party sites means in no way that INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) approves the content of that site or the use which may be made, and may not, under any circumstances, incur IPA’s responsibility. The User visits the other sites at his/her own risks and under his/her responsibility.


INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) does not accept any responsibility for any third party website linked to or from this website.

It is to be recalled that delays, omissions or inaccuracies are liable to occur because of the electronic transmission system.


INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) is owner or holder of rights and all elements that compose this website in particular data, design, graphs, pictures, sound tracks. All reproduction, representation, diffusion or rebroadcast, total or partial, of the content of this website by any process without the authorization of INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) is forbidden and would be forgery punished by articles L 335 – 2 and followings from the Intellectual Property Law.

Brands and logos of the publisher of and his partners are register trademarks. Every reproduction, total or partial, of these brands or logos without the authorization of Inter Partner Assistance or assigns is prohibited by the article L 713 – 2 from the Intellectual Property Law.


INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) endeavours to keep this site up to date. However, INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) guarantees neither the accuracy nor the completeness of any information presented on this site.

With the exception of direct losses resulting from deliberate or serious misconduct on Inter Partner Assistance 's part, Inter Partner Assistance may in no case be held responsible for any direct or indirect loss, serious or otherwise, resulting from a visit to this site or associated with such a visit, particularly, and without limitation, for any loss of profits, interruption of activities or loss of software or data.

Inter Partner Assistance could not be considered for responsible for any decision made on the base of information from the website, nor for the use that could be done by a third party. Any person who wants to get one or several products presented on the website is invited to contact us to be informed of the contractual and tariff conditions for this (these) product(s) or service(s).

Access to any products and services presented on the site may be subject to restrictions for certain persons or in certain countries. None of the products and/or services will be supplied by Inter Partner Assistance to a person if the law of his country of origin or of any other country which would concern him prohibits it. However, it is up to all persons concerned to check beforehand with their usual legal advisors that their legal and fiscal status permits them to subscribe to the products and/or services presented on the site.


The User may not use the Website or its content for an improper purpose or a purpose forbidden by these terms of use, or encourage any illegal activity, or other activity violating INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE’s rights or third parties’ rights.

The User is not allowed to use mechanisms, programmes, algorithms or other automatic methods to access, obtain, copy or supervise any part of the Website, nor reproduce or bypass the navigation structure or the presentation of the Website in order to obtain data, documents or information. The User can only extract and/or re-use data, documents or information from the Website when this has been expressly authorized.

The User must not attempt to access unlawfully to any section or functionality of the Website, nor to any other system or connected network to the Website, nor to the services proposed on the Website, by hacking or using any other illegitimate means.

The User must not try to analyse or test the vulnerability of the Website or any connected network to the Website, nor violate the security and authentication measures put in place by the Website or the networks connected to the Website. The User is not authorized to question or trace information about other Users, or clients of the AXA Group, especially all Users’ accounts which are not his/her own, or set up at his/her initiative, nor to exploit the Website or the services or the information made available on the Website, in any manner, for the purpose of revealing such information, especially personal identification information or the information other than his/her own information, as they appear on the Website.

The User agrees to take no action imposing an undue or unreasonable burden on the Website's infrastructure, or systems or INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA)’s networks, or any network connected to the Website or to INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA).

The User agrees not to use any mechanism or software to interfere or try to interfere with the proper function of the Website or with any transaction conducted on the Website or with any use of the Website by any other person.

The User must not try to infringe the headers or manipulate the identifying information in any manner, to mask the origin of the message or of an information sent to INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) using the Website, or a service offered by the Website. The User must not claim to be or represent someone else, nor pretend to be another natural or legal person.

INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) reserves the right at any time to modify or suspend temporarily or permanently the use of this Website and may not be held responsible for these changes, suspension or interruptions. Also, INTER PARTNER ASSISTANCE (IPA) declines all responsibility for the dysfunctions or interruptions during the use of the Website due to power failure, defection on telephone lines and/or internet or any other damaging event out of its control.