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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Travel Disruption Advice

Updated 7th August 2020

Everything about affected countries

What are countries affected by COVID19?

The Covid-19 situation is constantly evolving.  Please check individual Government websites and the World Health Organization (‘WHO’) to access the latest information about the situation:  https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 Please specify the country you would like to check.

Everything about cancellation benefit

I booked my trip independently, but my travel provider has cancelled my booking/flight

Transport providers have an obligation to refund the customer if they have cancelled the booking. In addition to this many accommodation providers are offering refunds, date changes at no cost and credit notes. 
EU Air Passenger Rights: 
• If your flight is within the EU and is operated either by an EU or a non-EU airline 
• If your flight arrives in the EU from outside the EU and is operated by an EU airline 
• If your flight departs from the EU to a non-EU country operated by an EU or a non-EU airline
Link for EU Air Passenger Rights - Coronavirus: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/passenger-rights/air/index_en.htm. They should provide a voucher or refund. 

I booked my trip independently, but my accomodation provider has cancelled my booking

 In the first instance you should contact the property owner or booking agent.  They will normally be responsible for refunding all or part of your accommodation costs. For bookings made in the UK, or with a UK agency, you may follow CMA guidelines and make a complaint with them. If your booking is with a oversees agent, you may submit a claim and we will be able to give further guidance. Your insurance will only consider costs which are both explicitly excluded in your booking agreement and which are covered in your policy.

I was due to go on holiday, but my tour operator has cancelled the trip.

Airlines/package holiday providers may offer you reimbursement through either a voucher or monetary refund. Customers are being encouraged to accept voucher refunds by airlines/package holiday providers which will allow them to rebook their trip for a later date. The intention is that these vouchers will have ABTA financial protection which means if the tour operators cease trading the customer would be able to seek a refund through ABTA. 

If you are dissatisfied with the voucher they have been offered, you are entitled to refuse this with  the airline and/or tour operators obtain a monetary refund.

If you accept the vouchers but do not them use them in the period for which they are valid, then you cannot claim this cost from the insurance policy. 

ABTA - https://www.abta.com/tips-and-advice/is-my-holiday-protected/new-package-travel-regulations
EU Air Passenger Rights - Coronavirus: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/passenger-rights/air/index_en.htm 
Package Regulations: https://www.abta.com/tips-and-advice/is-my-holiday-protected/new-package-travel-regulations

I prefer not to travel anymore. How can I claim a refund?

There is no coverage for this scenario as we do not consider claims because of loss of enjoyment. We would only consider this claim if the relevant authorities advise against travel to the destination in question.  

My Dr/GP has advised me not to travel

Please open a case with the Claims Team.  You will have provide us with medical information confirming your condition so that we can consider your claim.

I will be unable to travel due to Government enforced lockdown

If you hold a package holiday, you can pursue a refund with your tour operator under package regulations. If you have independent bookings, your flight would be claimable with the airline under the Denial of boarding regulation. 
For independently booked accommodation, you should contact your accommodation provider directly. If they refuse to refund, we will require your full booking terms and conditions, including a letter from them confirming why they will not refund. 
Bookings made within the UK will fall under UK CMA guidelines of and you can make a complaint with the CMA against your provider. 
If you made your booking directly with the accommodation provider abroad,  please open a case with the Claims Team.  You will have to share documentation showing your travel booking date, itinerary and trip dates along with a brief explanation of why you could not travel (Official Government Travel Advice…) and we will be able guide you further.

I cannot travel due to being in quarantine

Please contact our claims team.  You will have to provide the reason for your claim and further supporting documents so that we can assist you further. You can make a claim online or via email as follows: -  Visit  our online claims page https://claimsform.axa-travel-insurance.com/ or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

The government is advising not to travel to my destination, what should I do?

You should contact your airline or travel provider to seek refund or postpone your trip.  They should provide you with a full refund or travel credit. Where the Government in your country of Residence, Destination or any countries you pass through advise against travel due to Covid 19, you will not be covered to travel whilst advice is in place. 

Under what circumstances can I be compensated if I cancel my trip?

All claims will be assessed individually in accordance with your terms and conditions. There are specific perils listed in your policy for coverage and we would recommend you check this to see if your claim falls within those perils. If unsure, you can register a case with us and we will assess your reasons for cancellation in line with terms and conditions

I am travelling to a sports event / concert / theme park but it is cancelled or closed because of coronavirus. Can I cancel my trip?

There is no cover to cancel a trip due to the event which you were due to attend is no longer going ahead. If the event was cancelled due to Covid you should pursue refund from the provider directly. 

Am I covered if a country implements a blanket ban on citizens from my country entering it and turns them away at the border?

If your trip and policy were purchased prior to 11th March 2020 and you are not travelling against advice from your Country of Residence, Destination or any countries you pass through, then we would consider a claim for an early return and any necessary accommodation costs up to the limit shown in your policy. 
If your trip and/or policy was booked after 11th March, you will not be covered

I have booked a holiday in my own country. Am I covered if the region I’m due to visit is placed into lockdown?

If your trip and policy were purchased prior to any non-travel advice in your Country of Residence, then we would consider a claim up to the limit shown in your policy if your policy supports trips within your home country.  Please refer to your policy terms and conditions. - this needs to go back in to the package and independent booking advice 

Am I covered to cancel my trip if myself or a family member is infected in my home country?

We will consider your claim on a case-by-case basis irrespective of any connection to Covid 19. Some policies provide cover where a close family member (as defined in your policy) suffers serious illness or death - provided you were not aware of the seriousness of their condition prior to starting your trip.  For full details, please refer to your policy wording.  

I am currently abroad and don’t want to return home, am I covered to stay abroad?

Providng you haven't travelled against regulatory advice, you are covered to stay abroad for the duration of your trip - unless you are requested to return home by the local Government or the Government of your Country of Residence.  The duration of cover will be extended if we/you are unable to secure new flights home, despite your/our best endeavours to do so.  Any decision on your part to remain beyond your original travel plan, or the earliest flight offered to you to come home will result in your cover being ceased.  If you require any assistance whilst abroad you should call the Emergency Assistance line in your policy document.  

I am due to pay the final balance/my next instalment payment on my holiday, should I make this payment?

Please contact your holiday provider in this instance, as your contract of payment is with them.  They will advise you.  Please be aware that any potential refund may be dependent on full payment of the trip prior to travel. 

I have been issued with a voucher rather than a refund for my holiday. I don’t want to use this, so can I make a claim for my holiday?

As the travel operator has issued you a cash alternative for your holiday, there is no claim to make under your policy. If you prefer a cash refund instead of the voucher you will need to speak to the Travel Operator or Booking Agent.

I am unable to travel as my home country of residence Government has imposed travel restrictions. However the flight has not been cancelled and is due to departs as scheduled.

Please contact our Claims department and we will consider your claim. You should seek a refund from the tour operator, travel and accomodation provider in the first instance and provide details of their response as part of your claim.
If the accommodation is booked in the UK, please contact the accomodation provider for a refund.

We have accepted a refund by way of vouchers but they expired before we could use them. Can I make a claim?

Unfortunately, as the Travel provider has settled the contract with you, there is no further payment due. You will need to contact the Travel provider again to discuss the voucher expiry.

I booked my holiday before 11th March and there is no longer any government restriction or destination advice against travel and the trip is going ahead as planned. However I don't want to travel because there are still some social distancing guidelines in place, with some restrictions on businesses or services closed. I dont think I will enjoy my holiday with these measures in place so I want to cancel my holiday.

Unfortunately, your policy does not cover disinclination to travel. If the trip is going ahead as planned we would suggest you talk to your tour operator or travel provider directly.

I booked a holiday prior to the COVID-19 and the country I am travelling to has eased some restrictions to allow international arrivals. The trip is going ahead but FCO/home government are still advising against international travel for the period of the trip. I have cancelled my trip and attempted a refund but my travel provider is refusing.

We are not recommending our customers cancel their trips as it may affect your rights or ease in obtaining a refund - its best wait to see if what FCO or local Government advice is in place within 28 days of your trip.
If you have cancelled your trip, please speak to your Tour Operator or Travel operator regarding a refund. 

I booked a holiday prior to the COVID-19. There is no longer any home government advice & destination advice against travel and the trip is going ahead. I no longer want to travel as I'm anxious about whether social distancing is feasible and I've decided not to travel.

Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

I have been made redundant due to the on-going COVID-19 situation and I can no longer afford to pay for this trip and wish to cancel the holiday.

Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

I have received notification through a local track and trace system that I've have been in close contact with someone who has been confirmed to have COVID-19 and I've been advised to self-isolate for 14 days. This means I can no longer travel so I need to cancel my trip.

Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  We will need you to provide evidence of the track and trace notification and advice.

I am/member of my travelling party is supposed to be travelling later in the year, but have received a letter from the GP advising that I/they must continue to follow the shielding instructions because I/they is considered a clinically/extremely vulnerable person

Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

I live in a locally locked down area of my country and I'm unable to leave to go on my trip. Am I covered to cancel my trip?

If you bought your policy prior to 11th March 2020, we can consider your claim.Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

I am on a package trip and the government advice has changed during my stay in relation to quarantine. What do I need to do?

Your tour operator will arrange your return if a full ban is implemented and you are required to come home immediately.
If the FCO or other government agency have advised against all but essential travel, but have also said domiciled residents aren't required to come home immediately, you can continue your trip as planned, your policy will remain in force. 
If you wish to come home early, please tell us why so that we can consider if your claim.

Everything about curtailment benefit

An outbreak of COVID-19 has occurred in the area where I'm currently staying and I wish to return back to my home country to minimise the risk of infection.

We can only consider your claim where there is government advice asking you to return to your home area as soon as possible. 

I am currently on a trip and the destination local government have decided to reinforce lockdown so I need to return home.

Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

I need to take a Covid test prior to departure and have a negative result to take with me to avoid self-isolation. If I arrange a test 4 days before travel and the results do not arrive before departure if I don't travel am I covered?

If you bought your policy prior to 11th March 2020, we can consider your claim. Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

If I receive the Covid test result before travel but it is inconclusive, would I be covered to cancel the trip? As I would not have time to get another test done.

If you bought your policy prior to 11th March 2020, we can consider your claim.Please contact our Claims team to discuss the cancellation of your trip. Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.  

Everything about customer service

I want to contact/speak to a customer service representative/agent.

Please call on the Claims number mentioned in your Policy Wording. This will be found under the section, Making a Claim.

Everything about expenses

If I am quarantined in a hotel, do I have to pay for the room?

If your trip and policy were purchased prior to 11th March 2020, providing you haven't travelled against regulatory advice, if you are quarantined abroad due to Medical or Government advice beyond your Return Date you will be covered for accommodation costs up to the limit shown in your policy.
Any pre-paid excursions or activities purchased prior to your quarantine and which you are unable to undertake will be consider as per the policy limits.  Please refer to your Terms & Conditions for your policy limit.
If you are still abroad, please contact your 24-hour medical assistance team for guidance by calling the number on the back of your card. If your trip was booked after 11th March, please check your Terms & Conditions.

Everything about medical assistance

Am I covered if I contract coronavirus on holiday?

We will continue to cover all valid medical claims caused by coronavirus if you're travelling to an area where no regulatory advice against travel is in place. Please however note that policies sold after 11th March do not hold cover for cancellation or curtailment/cutting short your trip due to Corona Virus/Covid 19. 

I am abroad in this time of crisis, do I benefit from medical emergency assistance?

If you are still abroad you should call the Emergency Assistance line in your policy document.  

I am abroad and have suspected COVID19 and I have been quarantined. Am I covered ?

If you are still abroad you should call the Emergency Assistance line in your policy document.  

I got stuck abroad and would like to return home but cannot find a flight, can you help?

If you are still abroad you should call the Emergency Assistance line in your policy document.  

Everything about missed departure

What if I cannot take my flight because of quarantine?

If your trip and policy were booked before 11th March,  if your airline or travel provider cannot book you on a later flight, we may be able cover an alternative flight under the Terms and Conditions. 
If your trip and/or policy was booked after 11th March, you will not be covered.

Everything about making a claim

How can I make a claim?

You can make a claim online or via email as follows: -  Visit  our online claims page or send an email to help@axa-assistance.co.uk.